Millan is the only great grandmother licensed Zumba instructor in the world as well! She is a 42 year pioneer in the health industry of nutrition/detox/weightless and an author of three books, CLEANSE INTERNALLY, VEGETARIAN DELIGHTS, AND FAST FAT FLUSH. With her lectures she also includes Zumba performances. She is living proof that Zumba is not only for the younger generation, but it is for the 77 million “baby boomers” as well. She will show you how you can still look young and stay healthy even after seventy. When you have good health you have everything. Health is your wealth.

Millan's Fasting Retreat

Great Reviews!

Millan has seen approx. 30,000 clients in her 39 years of business. HUNDREDS OF GREAT REVIEWS AND TESTIMONIALS

Fast Fat Flush

Newest Book: Fast Fat Flush

Fast Fat Flush talks about the history of fasting, the benefit of fasting and the different kinds of fasts.

It also contains proven studies on how to keep the weight off permanently and obtain optimum health.

It explains the kinds of foods that make an important difference, scientific studies and nutrient contents.

There is a chapter on spiritual fasting and testimonials of miracles obtained through fasting.

Fast Fat Flush contains a chart showing successful weight loss and inches lost as a result of fasting.

I just wanted to thank you.

I have no words for how to describe how happy I am that I spent a week there with you.

I already miss you and your positive attitude about life.  You are incredible.

I hope that I can manage to come and spend another week with you in six months.

I wish you many years of health and happiness in your life to enjoy many more great grand children.

Keep dancing, it is a wonderful thing to so in life.


You inspired us to lead healthier lives

I recently had an assignment to write about an influential person who has changed my perspective in life.  I decided to write about you because you were the first person who came to mind, and rightly so.  I will never forget the empathy and compassion you had toward my sick mother when we stayed at your fasting retreat last April.  You were so patient and kind and had the most excellent bedside manner.  you truly inspired us to lead more health lives by cutting out mean and processed food.  My mother is no linger sick now!  She is thriving and often asks about you, forever grateful for your kindness toward her.

The passion and conviction you have for health and nutrition is infectious.  You are living and breathing proof that with proper diet and nutrition, the human body can stay young and healthy will into old age.  you are one of the most amazing human beings I hope one day I can grow up to be even half as successful and influential as you.


I have been into nutrition

I have been into nutrition and health since I was 18 years old and now I am 48. I have learned to much from Millan about diet and detoxing.

Millan, in her 38 years of practice has confirmed what I needed to know to solidify my knowledge regarding dietary information. I had been brain washed about certain foods.

Millan, your openness, kindness, attentive disposition and being a good listener has made the stay rewarding.  You don't push your products. You are doing this retreat for the right reasons and it is obvious.


The real stories are captivating

I am reading your book Cleanse Internally and the real stories are captivating.  They give richness and meaning and are added in dimension to the info provided in the book.


Cleanse Internally

I just finished to book, Cleanse Internally, and the information is the book is awesome, easy to read, and concise. It is full of information and hard to put down!

D. D.

I love the chapter about fasting

I love all of the contents of what your book talks about, beginning with the health and your faith and your love of God.

I love the chapter about fasting and what you had to say about it. This book is for the person who is suffering. They need to read this information. How you express the topic of fasting and its benefits is a must for all to read. I love everything about your book and how wonderful it is to read about all the testimonials.

I have been a Colon Therapist for 19 years and I teach Colon Therapy and I know that from your book I can learn a lot more and teach in a better way, and what it means to be a good Colon Therapist and your book shows in such a marvelous way the benefits of Colon Therapy.

I repeat again I love your book. I have already purchased 12 of your books, which I have sold and now I want to order 24 more of your books. You have motivated me in a new way especially to help my own health as well as others.

Thank you so much!

Bertha Canales
I-ACT member

I am enjoying the wonderful information

I bought your book at the recent I-ACT convention. I am enjoying the wonderful information that your book has to offer.

I am reading it very slowly in my spare time while trying to absorb every little bit of it so that I can share the information with my clients.

I have not had the time to go to your website to check anything else that you might have to offer. But at this time, I just wanted to say thank you for writing the book.

In the meantime, I wish you blessings.

Maria Borja